Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Here Goes Nothing...

Hello everyone...It's Miachel Herrera...aka...Mia...and after a month of balling my eyes out...I've decided it's time for the pity party to end...you see...I was in one of those...Thought I had everything in the world relationships...I mean one day I'm getting an Easter basket with a cut out heart saying how much he loves and misses me and the next day...I find out he is cheating on me through his Face Book...Did that really happen to me??? I mean...I am Miachel Fucking Herrera...I'm The Big Deal...The Catch...well it looks like in this case...I was...as Donald Trump would say...FIRED...So after two years of what I thought was total happiness...I am being forced to move on...I'm writing this because I know I'm not the only one out there that is going through this...has gone...or will go...Just know you are not alone...and even though you feel like you are the only one that has ever felt such pain...Like the song says...you are not alone...I mean it sucks a big fat one...How does someone we love with every ounce of our being...cheat...And the ole saying once a cheater...always a cheater...BELIEVE it!!!  So like I said...I've been forced to move on with my life...that being said...to date I've lost over 60 + pounds...started dressing to the nines...and like they say...the easiest way to get over one is to get under another one...So as that's what I'm doing...I don't know what advice to give when you first get dumped...all I can say is...have your pity party...wallow in that shit...then get over yourself like I did...better yet...get over the douche bag that dumped you...because let me tell you...Ole Trailer Trash Girl did me the biggest favor anyone has ever done!!! So you like me...will be better off...And no matter if we think it is the end of the world or not...in 5 years...we will all be laughing and asking ourselves...WTF was I thinking...and no matter what happens or how bad we feel...we still must move on...because no matter what...The Sun will Still Rise...and The Sun will Still Set...Enjoy It!!!