Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Long Distance (PS...I'm Baaack!!!)

I know...I know...It's been FOREVER!!! I couldn't even remember my password so they had to E-Mail it to me...Anywho...Reading my past post I was like WTF...I mean Really...I totally laugh about it now!!!And sorry for the Christmas Pic...But we just look to cute...LOL...So what to talk about this year since I am over having my heart ripped out and stomped on with the hooves of Satan...LOL...How about this...RELATIONSHIPS!!! I know...you would think that after all the ones I've been in I would of learned a thing or two...Negative Ghost Rider!!! So...I've joined this dating website called Evow...It's supposed to be life for people really looking for their "Soul Mate"...I don't know if that is one word or two...but from my experience they don't belon together!!! I joined because everyone of POF just wanted to get laid...And ummm...Hi...I'm not a hooker...Get on Back Page (Not that I've ever done that...Bible) So I have been texting this guy who lives in Houston...I so need to get out of the small town atmosphere...Everyone has to stay hidden in their closet at their grandma's house...UGH...Anywho...He is my ideal man...He played sports in High School (Baseball of Course)..He dresses preppy...but is country...Like riding horses country!!! He has a Job, Car, & Home (All of my Besties JillyBeans requirements for me)...I mean I'm super stoked...but what about the distance??? They say distance makes the heart grow fonder...But I'm sure somthing else would grow if it were right there and ready in front of you!!! So what should I do...Long Distance???IDK...But I'll keep you posted...XOXO...~Mia

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