Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fools Rush In...

Ok...Maybe I'm just not meant for relationships...I know I told you that Cowboy Guy and I were gonna take it slow...but that damn vodka...5 drinks in me and I turn into something else...So I text him...Only due to the fact that when he was here...I had to know where we stood...I mean HELLO...I'm not going thru the same shit I went thru with The X-Factor...So I ask a simple question...Well his reply was "we need to take it let's just say we are discussing talking"...WTF does that mean...what are we discussing...The Weather...No...when feeling are involved I think you should know where you stand in a relationship...I was told everyday for the past two years how much I was Loved...Pretty much word vomit...So should I be OK with Cowboy Guys response...Well at the time I didn't think so...So I told him to F off...But now that I \think about least he had the guts to be honest and give me a straight  answer...Maybe I just need to set back and relax and find myself again...You know how they say you have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with anyone else...I don't know what the hell that means...but I guess I'm gonna give it a try...I do need to start doing the things that I used to do before douche bag made me a Freaking Real House Wife Of The Dub...I miss taking pictures, showing my horses, and going out and being the center of attention...So buckle up...It's gonna be one hella ride...So in other words...This fool ain't rushing in to anything...

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