Monday, June 6, 2011

Old flings... I had the weirdest thing happen...I got a text from an old fling...I didn't think anything of it at first...but then...I got that whole warm funny feeling...and one thing leads to another and I end up inviting him over...this being said...He is engaged...I mean really...why me??? Is this normal??? And of course all I remember are all of the good things about him...And we used to have a blast!!! We traveled...partied...and did things that would frighten fish...LOL...Then I don't even remember what happened...but we ended things...I'm sure he did what most of them do and cheated on me...Oh yeah that's right...I walked in on him and some girl...who knew we were together and still chose to screw him...Oh well that's the past...So...what do I do in this situation...I am to the point where I see so much cheating and betrayal they say...If you can't beat them...join them...I know that doesn't make it right...and God love the poor girl he is about to marry...but in the end...I think everyone will cheat...I heard on the radio the other day that 1 out of 2 married men will cheat as far as a kiss goes and 1 out of 4 will cheat as far as sex goes...what happened to love...I mean it out there...the good ole days of living like our grandparents is a thing of the past...Don't get me wrong...I want it...and I thought I had it...but once that rug has been yanked out from under you...will you ever really get over the hurt...I'll tell you what...I'm gonna try ...with an Old Fling...

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